Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Maxwell Road: A piece of history

The Maxwell House in July, 2004

I like to always talk about Interstates and all of that good stuff. But I would like to talk about the road I live on called Maxwell Road.

No, Maxwell Road isn't named after the coffee, the name has good meaning. Sometime in the 1940's, a family named the Maxwells decided to build a house in McLeansville, NC (A country town east of Greensboro). Not much is known about this family, but the Maxwell House is currently abandoned and is rotting away. If you go down there, you'll find a lot of surplus items like a TV, swingset, and etc.

The road is about a mile and a half long and is made out of tar. Originally it was gravel, but it received a facelift in 2001. There are only 3 signs on the road and those are two curve signs and a stop sign. The road begins at McLeansville Road makes a sharp curve at my house, makes a little curve about 500 ft later, and then dead ends at the old Maxwell house.

I have always considered this road a very unique road and I would like to put this road in my Road Hall of Fame in the Historic Road category.

1 comment:

Livemalls said...

That was good to the last drop, Billy. :-)